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Dental Implants in Hornsby and West Ryde

What are Dental Implants?

dentist holding dental implant modelDental implants are artificial replacements for missing teeth that provide a permanent solution to restore your smile. The implant is a titanium screw that is embedded in the jawbone and acts as a standalone tooth root. A porcelain tooth is then placed on top of the implant to create a natural-looking replacement tooth.

What to Expect

The process for a patient who is a candidate for an implant begins with a referral for a 3D x-ray to assess the treatment plan. Once the patient chooses to go ahead, the implant is surgically placed, which takes about three months to heal. After healing, we’ll take a scan of the mouth and send it to a lab to create the crown.

The final insertion usually takes a few appointments, including checking for healing, taking out stitches, and ensuring a natural-looking result.

While the surgical process is done manually, technology plays a role in the planning and creation of the implant. Digital planning is done using 3D radiography, and the crown is fabricated digitally using CAD CAM.

Complex Cases Welcome

Our experienced dentist is proud to offer treatment for any level of complexity, including bone grafting for cases with insufficient bone. We also offer full arch replacements and sets of teeth that are removable or screwed in, depending on the patient’s needs and wants.

Restore Your Smile Today

If you’re looking for a permanent solution to missing teeth, dental implants may be the right choice for you. Contact our clinic to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you restore your smile.

Dental Implants Hornsby and West Ryde NSW | (02) 9987 2555