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Injectable Solutions & Splints for TMJ
in Hornsby and West Ryde

person with jaw pain

Do you experience pain or discomfort in your jaw, especially when chewing, speaking or yawning? You might have TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder.

TMJ is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It occurs when there’s an issue with the joint that connects your jawbone to your skull. Fortunately, there are effective treatments that can alleviate the symptoms of TMJ and improve your quality of life.

Custom Dental Splints

At Good Morning Dental, we offer a range of TMJ treatment options to suit your specific needs. One popular option is dental splints or mouthguards. These custom-made devices are designed to fit over your teeth and provide a cushion between your upper and lower jaw. They work by reducing the pressure on the joint, preventing grinding, and easing muscle tension. Dental splints are comfortable to wear, and many patients report immediate relief from TMJ pain.


Another effective option is neuromodulator injections. These injections work by relaxing the muscles around the jaw and reducing their activity. By doing so, they can help ease pain and reduce jaw clenching or grinding. Our dentist is highly trained in administering neuromodulator injections, ensuring that you receive safe, effective treatment.

We believe that a combination approach is often the most effective way to treat TMJ. That’s why we offer a comprehensive evaluation to determine the best course of treatment for your unique situation. Our team of experts will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that combines different methods to achieve optimal results.

Get Relief Today

If you’re experiencing any TMJ symptoms, such as pain or discomfort in the jaw, or if you’re grinding your teeth at night, don’t hesitate to schedule a visit with us. Our team is committed to providing you with gentle, effective care that will help you feel comfortable and confident. Contact us today to book an appointment and take the first step toward relief.

Injectable Solutions & Splints for TMJ Hornsby and West Ryde NSW | (02) 9987 2555